The VIATEC Awards | Thursday, May 1, 2025
We’re bringing the awards back to spring, and we’ve got a theme that should make for some memorable moments: DiscoTech. It’s the perfect excuse to dust off that outfit you’ve been looking for an occasion to wear. Think bell-bottoms, platform shoes, and a little (or a lot) of sparkle! Location: Carson Hall at the Victoria Conference Centre 720 Douglas Street, Victoria BC Agenda: 5-6pm: Networking, Seating, Welcome 6-7pm: Creative Challenge and Dinner 7pm: VIATEC Awards show begins 9:30pm-1am: After Party at The Coda! (More details to come) The VIATEC Awards celebrate the achievements of technology companies and individuals responsible for making Greater Victoria the fastest-growing technology region in British Columbia. Join us for an evening of rocket-fuelled entertainment, celebration, and more fun than grown-ups are used to!
"If there's one thing about Victoria's Tech Awards that always stood out to me and our companies, it's the idea that anyone can be part of this community. Tech touches everything and, in its highest form, it brings people together. This event has always felt more like a celebration of community than of one particular sector. For me personally - as someone who moved here from a big city and as a non-technical tech leader - being welcomed and celebrated by these amazing people has been the highlight of my career."
Jim Hayhurst
The RingPartner team looks forward to the tech awards each year! It's a time to connect, check out what other companies in our community are doing, and celebrate everyone's accomplishments. It also helps that it is a really fun night.
Sarah Gulbrandson,
CEO, RingPartner -
"The awards opened my eyes to how many amazing people were doing great things in our city. It gave me the opportunity to celebrate our wins with the team, and to share in other company's success stories. I learned more about our local tech community in one event than I did the rest of the year."
Jamie Geiger,
CEO, Assembly -
"YOU GUYS!!! You sure know how to throw a party. We were totally blown away by our experience at the 2019 VIATEC Awards. The live band, the captive audience, the flying orcas—just next level. Your community was fired up and that energy is just so contagious. You guys are an inspiration!"
Joanna Schlosser
Accelerate Okanagan -
“The 2019 [Victoria Tech] Awards were pretty remarkable: The theme was brilliant and was woven in throughout; Bringing together an entire community that knows each other (due to all of VIATEC's efforts); Erin Skillen - who is ready to host the Oscars; Pure production value of an event with so many moving parts; Dan’s singing - which my wife won’t stop talking about; Rasool’s fundraising fury; The new trophies which are cool as hell. Honestly, I’ve had a smile on my face all weekend from attending.”
Ian Chisholm
Roy Group -
“What a fabulous event on Friday! It truly showcased the Victoria tech scene as an amazing place to be for aspiring, innovative entrepreneurs. Congratulations to you and your team for an outstanding event. I’ll put this on my calendar for next year."”
Elizabeth Johnston
Ministry of Jobs, Trade & Technology