RioT Technology Corp.
Think differently, reach further, expand possibilities with RioT Wireless sensing.

Recipient of:
Startup of the Year, Innovative Excellence (Hardware)
Interviewee: David Illing
What’s your company’s story?
RioT, founded in 2016 to develop wireless sensing networks (TITAN) for customers with the need to collect data related to the protection of natural environments from remote, harsh environments. RioT name embodies three aspects: 1) RioT for The Remote Internet of Things, 2) RioT – as in a disruptive force-in our case a positive force, 3) RioT as in have some fun “have a riot”, “that was a riot” think to RioT the 3rd Power. A bootstrapped IOT business, focused on monitoring remote harsh natural environments.
Development of RioT radio capabilities began in 2016 with early and the immature technologies. In 2016 RioT acquired access to soil moisture measurement technology, customer base and patents, bid and won a large government supply agreement. Within 2 weeks a micro manufacturing facility was set up. TITAN wireless product development) went on hold. The soil moisture sensor project was delivered within 2 months. The cash injection and customer reference let Riot build our GroPoint products. We signed domestic and international distributors; sales increased. Ongoing revenue from GroPoint funded our TITAN wireless product development.
Who do you work with? What are some interesting projects you’re involved in?
RioT works with 3 main categories of customers: Water Management Agencies, Agricultural Farms, and Soil and Hydrology Scientists. All are related, in some way, to the understanding and management of water resources. One of RioT’s most interesting and difficult projects involved monitoring wetlands ecology around 4 wetland reservoirs in Northern-Alberta (Athabasca) with a science team from the University of Athabasca. The area was very remote requiring hiking into the 18 sites. RioT offered to assist the customer with the difficult installation–as such a RioT team member hiked across wetlands for several days. RioT has also completed interesting installations in soil research science networks, vineyards and cranberry farms as well.
What are you most proud of in the work that you do?
RioT helps protect natural environments by minimizing water wastage (with soil moisture sensing) and improving how Scientists and Industry monitor natural and industrial environments. (Forests, Lakes, Rivers, Aquifers, Air). Riot customers fundamentally change how they think and act with respect to collecting data in remote environments. RioT products change behavior in a way that provides lasting impact to water resource management and understanding natural environments. RioT is proud to be a company that can (at such a small size) change a way of thinking, and enable a new way of doing and have a lasting impact on protecting our environment. water quality, air quality, soil ecology, climate change, weather, road conditions, flood risk, water quantity etc. All of which are important to understanding and managing our natural environments and impacts to those important environments. We are also proud about supporting and listening to our customers, and frankly we are proud of our customers and our tiny team.
If your team had a theme song, what would it be and why?
Crazy by Gnarls Barkley-It is lively, fun and a little disruptive. Admittedly, bootstrapping a startup in the high tech sector–is a bit crazy. RioT has a great deal of freedom, the team is having a lot of fun and frequently stretch themselves beyond current reach, often balancing on the edge of control. Every project brings new surprises-RioT simply expect surprises. It’s crazy that RioT products are now in 20+ countries–if someone had asked the team, 2 years ago, how many countries RioT products would be deployed in they had said “20”—they would have been told “you’ve lost your mind!”
What are some hopes and dreams for your company?
To have a lasting, meaningful, positive impact in how water resources are managed. In particular as it relates to agriculture where reducing the run off of fertilizer nitrates into our lakes, rivers and streams and fish habitats will have tremendously large impact to sustained viability of protecting our oceans and lakes and improving our agriculture efficiency. i.e. food production that is safer, and fish that are healthier. To have a lot of fun along the way. To make friends along the way, to make money along the way, to employee people along the way, to invent a new way of doing things. To “mess” with the conventional, tired, ineffective Status Quo and make things that change how we think, act and what we do to as it relates to water resource management. To bring new into old in a positive way.
Why is Victoria a great spot for your organization?
The employees live here-that helps. Victoria is also the center for government in BC which is a customer RioT cares about deeply. Victoria has a unique combination of having a high tech development community within 20 miles of extremely harsh and natural environments. For RioT, that allows testing of products in real world applications fast. In addition; 1) there is a large concentration of companies and individuals with experience in remote monitoring applications for natural environments, 2) there is a strong community interest in all things related to our natural environments-RioT is among good company, 3) Victoria is in close proximity to Vancouver and Seattle (even Silicon Valley) technology communities which facilitates access to important resources at times, 4) finally, the general quality of life is extremely high for those interested in participating in a combination of technology and outdoor activities while raising a family in a safe and free environment.